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Install wayland: wayland, xorg-xwayland

Login Manager

The login manager is not managed by this configuration but mentioned here since it interacts with the desktop environment. For hyprland, sddm is recommended.

  • sddm: Enable sddm.service A note about themes: The themes must be placed in /usr/share/sddm/themes. Then in /etc/sddm.conf, enable the relevant theme. By default the breeze theme comes with plasma-workspace which is very bloated to install, so consider some of the alternative themes.


  • otf-font-awesome: Needed for waybar to render icons
  • Noto Sans/Serif: System font

Status Bar and Tray

  • eww-wayland: Requires socat to listen for hyprland events.


This is one choice of a compositor.

  • swayfx: Window manager
  • python-i3ipc: Enables inactive window opacity scripts


Use multibg-sway, which assigns a different wallpaper to each workspace and does not crash. The wallpapers directory ~/.config/sway/wallpapers needs to be setup in this way:

    ├─ eDP-1
    │    ├─ _default.jpg
    │    ├─ 1.jpg
    │    ├─ 2.png
    │    └─ browser.jpg
    └─ HDMI-A-1
         ├─ 1.jpg
         └─ 3.png

where the output information can be obtained from swaymsg -t get_outputs.

Supposedly does not work with hypr.


This is another choice of a compositor.

Note: Setup does not work with NVIDIA GPU without some tweaks.

  • hyprland: window manager
  • hyprpaper: Wallpaper engine The command to set a wallpaper: hyprctl hyprpaper wallpaper "$DISPLAY,$FILE"

The command for changing keyboard layouts is handled by fcitx5.


  • swww: Alternate wallpaper engine

    Note that ~/.config/hypr/wallpapers must have jpeg files {1..8}.jpg. A handy command can be used crop and resize images:

    convert $IN \
    -resize 3840x2160^ \
    -gravity center \
    -extent 3840x2160 \
  • swaync: Notification server
  • wofi: finding programs, drop in replacement for rofi
  • dolphin: File explorer
  • swaylock-effects: A simple lockscreen
  • wl-clipboard: Provides copying
  • blueman: Bluetooth connector
  • grim: Screenshot engine
  • flameshot: Screenshot utility; On Arch Linux, install flameshot-git.


  • lxappearance: Used to configure GTK3 themes
  • nwg-look: Configures cursor
  • wev: Wayland event interceptor useful for determining keybinds


Black screen with underscore

Symptom: The system shows a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner. Cannot access any TTY via C-S-F[1-9]. Logs look otherwise normal.


  1. Boot into live USB. Read `journalctl since=today` to find out about erroring packages and reinstall them.
  2. Enable wayland for sddm. This requires weston